Unique Follow Email / SMS Reminder Template for appointments


Reminder Emails and SMS recreate a prominent role in appointment scheduling software. It makes sure that Client are goint to attend the meeting.

Reminder Email helps us with a one-doorstep process to reach your client easily. SMS is also another convenient process for sending reminder messages.

Many templates are available to send a reminder to the client. Let’s have a look ahead to send unique follow-up emails and SMS.

Why we need Email / SMS Reminder

Many reasons behind that to skip an appointment, nearly 10% — 30% of clients forget their appointments.

What are the rules we need to follow to send a reminder to the client?

Some rules to send Unique Email / SMS reminders.

· Make your email reminder concise

· The reminder must have the relevant information ( Date, time, time zone, etc)

· Keep it uniform

· Attach schedule link if they forget

· Don’t include images

Make your email reminder concise

Keep your email reminder more concise. Don’t include extra or unnecessary information. It must be clear. The reminder may contain a Date, Time, and purpose.

The reminder must have the relevant information

The reminder must contain the relevant details like subject line, greeting, content, and thank you.

Send your Email reminders in a uniform manner

Uniform Email reminders show your uniqueness to your customer. It increases your brand name.

Don’t include the images in the reminder

Try to avoid the images in the email reminder, it is unnecessary in the reminder mail.

Attach schedule link, if they forget the appointment

At the time of the reminder, attach the schedule link, if they want to reschedule the appointment. it may helpful for them.

Easy attraction allow the clients to recall the schedule

Font formatting is more helpful to catch their eyes to recall the schedule. Apply Bold style to date, time and purpose. Easily clients can follow.

· Attach Snooze timing for sending the next reminder

Sample Templates for Unique Email and SMS Reminder

Email Reminders

Sub : Reminder from [business name]

Dear [Client name],

Just a friendly reminder that you have an appointment with [business name]




[secure link]

If you have any questions or concerns, please don’t hesitate to get in touch with us at

[email address or phone number].


[business name]

Sub : Reminder from [business name] to recall

Dear [Client ] :

Date : [Date]

Time : [Time ]

Location : [Location]

For Reschedule Click Me : [Reschedule Link]

Any Queries : [Contact Number / Mail Id]

Thanks for your support [ Business Name ]

Sub : Small Recalling to You — Business Name

Sub : Reminder for your appointment — Business Name

Hi [Client name],

Gentle Reminder in your busy schedule that you have an appointment [business name]

Thanks for your Continuous support

[Business Name]

Sub : Reminder For you — [Business Name]

Dear [Client Name]

Don’t Forget

Schedule Time :

Reschedule Link :

For further Contact :

Thanks for your Support.

[Business Name]

Sub: Gentle Reminder about your appointment — [Business Name]

Hello [Client Name]

Thanks for your support. This is an email reminder for [ Business Name] on [Date] at [Time].

We look forward to meeting you!

For your comfortability Reschedule Link: [Link]

Further Queries: [ Email / Contact Number]


[Business name]

Sub: Have a Look at [Business Name]

Dear [Client]

Thank you for Booking an appointment [ Business Name]

Date: [Scheduled Date]

Time: [Scheduled Time]

Visit Location: [Appointment Location]

Contact details: [Name] / [Email Id] / [Contact No]

Meet you soon as per your schedule.

If you need any chances Click Me : [Reschedule Link]

Sub: Appointment Reminder — [Business Name]

Hai [Client Name],

It may be slipped in your mind, it just a recall.

Your Appointment Scheduled on [Date] at [Time] in [Meeting Location]

Any Inconvenience Reschedule by Click this: [Reschedule Link]

Best Wishes.

[Business Name]

SMS Reminders

Dear [Client Name]. Just reminding you about your appointment for [business name] at [Time] on [Date]. Use the link here if you need to reschedule: [Link]”.

“Hi [Client Name]. Just this is a friendly reminder about your appointment for [business name] at [Time] on [Date]. Click the link if you need to reschedule: [Link]”.

“Hello [Client Name]. Thanks for your support. Gentle reminder to you [business name] at [Time] on [Date]. Is Any Inconvenience Click the Link: [Link]”.

Thanks for Considering Us [ Business name], Dear [Client name], Your schedule [date] at [Time] meet us at [Business Location]. Reschedule Link [Link].

“Due to your busy schedule, small reminder for you.

From [Business name] Your Schedule [Date], [time] and [Meeting Point].

Any Queries Contact Us (24/7): [mail id / contact no]”

Dear [Customer Name] don’t forget your appointment is confirmed by [Business name] on [date] at [time]. If you are not able to attend. Use this for your convenience [Reschedule Link]

Hi [Customer Name] Your appointment with us [Business name] at [date], [time], [Location]. We look forward to seeing you at [BUSINESS-NAME].Thanks.

Just a Gentle Reminder [Customer Name] from [Business name]. Recall your appointment on [date], at [Time]. Meet you Soon.

Hello [Customer name], This is an alert about your appointment with [Business name] at [time] on [date]. Contact us at [Email / Mobile no]. Any changes reschedule it by single click [Reschedule Link].

Hi, don’t forget the [Business name] appointment next week. Please reply with YES to confirm or call [Contact Number] to reschedule. We look forward to seeing you.

Reminder: You have an appointment with [Business name] on [date] at [time].

We insist your appointment with [business name] on [date] at [time]. If you want to reschedule it through [Reschedule Link].



Hupport Appointment Scheduling software

Hupport Business Solution Schedule meetings in seconds and follow up with your customers by email, SMS & Voice Drop/Message